主讲人:Ivan Ilchev (保加利亚索菲亚大学校长) 题目:巴尔干半岛诸国政治与经济(暂定) 时间:5月12日上午9:30 地点:历史系大会议室 请国际关系和世界史专业的研究生务必出席,其他专业同学自愿参加 附主讲人简介: Ivan Ilchev (born 1953) is full professor in Modern Balkan History at the Sofia Universiry. He teaches modern history of the Balkans (18th-20th centuries), social history of the Balkans, history of Bulgaria, international relations inthe Balkans, theory and history of propaganda, history of advertising in Bulgaria, history and theory of nationlism in the Balkans.